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Yarnarchy – On Now!

Craft & Object
YARNARCHY is live in Õtautahi!
If you’re in the central city, keep your eyes peeled for yarn bombs installed around the tram line!
⏵ Can you find Cinnamonbun the knitted bulldog made by fibre artist Salvo @papa.knits ? (Hint he likes ice-cream and his best pal is a gorilla!).
⏵ Post your favourite pictures to social media using the tag #Yarnarchy2023 and we’ll draw one winner each week of the festival (10-24 June) to win a $50 voucher to Knit World (189 Peterborough St).
⏵ For more information and to find out about the yarn bomb artists:

Gap Filler’s Pae Tākaro Place of Play programme is supported by the Christchurch City Council.
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