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Toro Atua – Dr Areta Wilkinson

Visual Arts
image Areta Wilkinson, Toro Atua, 2023, new public artwork for Rolleston Town Centre, artist impression (render detail day). Image by Georgina Stokes.
A win for public art!
2022 Arts Foundation Laureate Dr Areta Wilkinson has just been announced as the artist commissioned to create her first ever public work for SCAPE Public Art in Rolleston Town Centre’s new reserve.
‘Toro Atua’ takes inspiration from ancestral rock art of Te Waipounamu, taking the form of 20 light-reflecting stainless-steel figures leading people through the landscape like guardians; timeless swimming, standing or flying creatures.
“The opportunity of creating a taonga work for this community is immensely fulfilling and a true highlight. The process to date has been very thoughtful and the new objects will land in a beautiful environment warmed by people.”
The foundations for Toro Atua have been laid and the estimated completion date is April 2024. We can’t wait to see this incredible piece take form.
 ~ with thanks to the Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi
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