How would you describe what you do?
The Whakaraupō Carving Centre Trust upholds the mana of kaupapa Māori Toi, Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti.
Our kaupapa is separated into three different whare:
- Whakaraupō Toi – A commercial arm of our organisation delivering a range of services that relate to the design of kaupapa Māori Toi, specifically rauangi/visual arts, servicing the commercial sector
- Whakaraupō Kura – Our whare wananga delivering tailored programmes to suit At Risk Youth, NZQA Accredited programmes from Introduction to Level 5 for whakairo and schools
- Whakaraupō Whakairo – our whare that delivers our commission mahi as well as. providing support to Whakaraupō Toi and Kura
What was your most recent project?
We have recently completed a contemporary waharoa for the Hohepa Foundation. The waharoa is located at their Barrington Street site.
We also completed a series of six Toki Paraihe/Trophies for the New Zealand Commercial Civil Contractors Award held at Te Papa, Poneke.
What project have you worked on that you’re the most proud of?
Our rōpū are proud of all creative mahi that have been created at our centre which range from Pouwhenua, Pou, Waharoa both contemporary and traditional
What is essential for creatives to have in their life?
Our Toi Practitioners utilise six Toi Principles that relate to Kaupapa Māori Toi, those being
- Toi Awe – Creative Process
- Toi Hanga – Creating
- Toi Iro – Rangahau/Research
- Toi Raupapa – Project Planning
- Toi Aro – Self Reflection
- Toi Hua – Presenting a completed creative piece
What inspires you about Ōtautahi?
Tangata Whenua, Iwi and hapū and taiao/environment
What piece of advice about your creative work has served you well?
Upholding the mana of our tupuna and Kaupapa Māori Toi
What’s the biggest misconception about your creative work?
Non Māori and Māori who look at whakairo as art. Our creations are more than just art. They all tell stories that requires the viewer to research to better understand the form, materials, designs and surface patterns which all tell the story of a creative piece.
What Christchurch artists do you most admire?
We admire many artists, too many to mention here
What artwork/piece of music/performance has taken your breath away?
Creative mahi by Cliff Whiting at Te Papa
What do you wish you’d have known about creative work when you were younger?
Career Pathways for Toi Practitioners
What’s your favourite hidden secret in Ōtautahi?
The true history of our place, the origins of Whakaraupō and the korero associated to this. We do not promote the colonisation narrative of Ōtautahi or Aotearoa