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04.03 - 12.03 2022
Events & Exhibitions

Slap City Sticker & Paste Up Festival

4 March 2022 9:00am
/ Aotearoa's first ever festival dedicated to sticker and paste ups. Sticker workshops, art installations and music - everyone welcome.
Tyanhaus, 6 Carlyle Street, Sydenham

Aotearoa’s first ever festival dedicated to sticker and paste ups. The festival will include a 4mx 15m paste up wall, a collective art show and sticker wall.

Sticker workshops for people of all ages and abilities.

Opening night: 6pm, 4 March

Sticker Workshops:

Sunday, 6 March 4pm

Sunday, 6 March 5.30pm

Wednesday, 9 March 6pm

Wednesday, 9 March 7.30pm

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