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12.03 - 24.04 2022
Events & Exhibitions, News

Kāpuia ngā aho 單絲不綫

12 March 2022 10:00am
/ Employing a language of threads and knots, Kāpuia ngā aho 單絲不綫 is a collaborative exhibition that explores ancient Chinese narratives in connection with people, materials, and relationships in Aotearoa.
The Physics Room, 301 Montreal Street, Christchurch
image Image: Taonga from collaborative installation, 2022.

Kāpuia ngā aho 單絲不綫
Wai Ching Chan and Tessa Ma’auga

Exhibition runs: 12 March – 24 April 2022
Artist talk: Saturday 12 March, 11am

Employing a language of threads and knots, Kāpuia ngā aho 單絲不綫 is a collaborative exhibition that explores ancient Chinese narratives in connection with people, materials, and relationships in Aotearoa. Built with friendship and love, the ropes in this exhibition seek to repair the relationships between tauiwi and tangata whenua, and gather the voices of those with Chinese whakapapa in their threads. Every knot has a meaning and together they hold a message of whanaungatanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, and aroha.

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